Series of exhibitions on the First World War
In 2014, more than 25 museums and institutions in the Upper Rhine region will be holding exhibitions on the First World War. The joint series of exhibitions organised by a tri-national museum network will be looking at the Great War from a variety of regional and thematic perspectives. Particularly interesting: visitors can attend exhibitions on the First World War in Alsace in France, Northwestern Switzerland, and Baden-Württemberg and the Palatinate in Germany to in order to explore different perspectives.
Please go directly to the bilingual (French/German) Netzwerk Museum-Réseau Musées website for further information..
"1914 - 1918. Die Pfalz im Ersten Weltkrieg"
Until 2014, the Historical Museum of the Palatinate will develop an exciting overall concept on the subject of 'The Palatinate during the First World War'. This project is the Historical Museum of the Palatinate's contribution to the EU-funded, cross-national exhibition project on the history of the First World War.
In its 'Modern Era' exhibition collection, the museum will dedicate a separate exhibition space to the war years 1914 to 1918. Objects, photographs and documents from that period formerly in storage at the museum have been scientifically examined before going on display for the first time. The project also involved digitalising some of the museum's collection of First World War photographs, with the aim of permanent preservation of the museum's collection of historic photographs and documents, and making these accessible to a wide audience.
Speyer Historical Museum of the Palatinate
Domplatz 4
67346 Speyer
29 May 2014 - November 2018

Der Erste Weltkrieg in der Grenzregion
On 12 September 2014, the centre of regional studies based at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz will be hosting a poster exhibition entitled 'The First World War in the Border Region' at Ehrenbreitstein fortress to coincide with a remembrance event organised by the Rhineland-Palatinate region in cooperation with other regions belonging to the so-called Greater Region (Saarland, Lorraine, Luxembourg, Wallonia and parts of French and German-speaking Belgium).
On the basis of local sources from what is today the Rhineland-Palatinate, the exhibition addresses such issues as enthusiasm for the war and propaganda, war technology, consequences of the war on the military and on civilians, and also the end of the war and the time of occupation. More in-depth information can be called up from the website www.erster-weltkrieg-rlp.de with the aid of QR codes shown on the posters. From late summer onwards, the posters will be available to download there.
Ehrenbreitstein Fortress
Koblenz - from 12 September 2014 onwards
and also
Mainz - 13 - 14 September 2014